Full of Life Inbound
Full of life in bound: For Expecting Moms
Full of Life is a channel designed to accommodate first time teen mothers. Addressing issues and bringing awareness of what to expect while being pregnant. Our staff is available at all times to assist expecting mothers. Education is the key, and is first on our list to aid with a promising future. All young mothers are guided to fulfill their general education requirements with maturing to individualized goals by enrolling in college or post-secondary education. Lean on Us Unity offers in house evidence based curriculums that involve issues such as, birth control during pregnancy, disorders associated with pregnancy, sexual transmitted diseases awareness; review of the signs and symptoms of Pre-term birth, what to expect at delivery, signs and symptoms of labor, education on rubella antibody levels, and immunizations in pregnancy. All young ladies in this program are become familiarized with the different stages of pregnancy and what to expect. On an individual base the young moms are engaged in approved exercises and sports that teach them how to stay healthy during pregnancy. They are educated on the effects of caffeine, drinking, smoking and drugs while pregnant. All young mothers are on a nutritious meal plan, promoting health for them and their baby. Our program promotes positive interaction between the young mother and the birth father. There are various positive communication courses to embrace having a positive working relationship as parents.